This article is Pt.3 in a continuation of my research project 1st detailed in my article “Light and Color Theory of the Electromagnetic Spectrum”, originally published in 2016, and its follow up article "The Primary Colors of Phi" published in October 2019. It would be necessary that you begin with these articles for the proper context before continuing your journey here.
This work is dedicated to all geometers past and present, who have endeavored to capture the foundations of reason for the illumination of all.
While my findings in the previous articles were derived from pure mathematics and found in direct measurements of my own physical experiments, they have certainly inspired me in the realms of speculation and have taken me down some fascinating rabbit holes.
Back to the Great Pyramid. As I have previously written, I believe this structure to be “the single most awe inspiring terrestrial achievement of mankind.” It is a “symphony of coincidence” and a constant source of rabbit holes in its own right. To speak nothing of the wonders of its actual construction, architecturally it is a profound alignment of fundamental mathematical ratios and constants which correspond to several physical phenomena, including the measures of our planet, and our sun and moon dynamics.
In light of the realization that the pyramid's angular geometry was also aligned with those of the spherical refraction phenomena, (the pyramid’s side and corner angles being identical to the angles of rainbow perception centered in green), and in consideration of this central green wavelength’s mathematical significance with the speed of light (numerically equal to the square root value of light speed in kilometers), I assumed there may be some further correspondences to this green electromagnetic wavelength/ frequency value of the sort that the Great Pyramid is famous for – Earth measure.
As the reader may recall, the green wavelength we have been centering our geometry upon so far has been equal to 547.53307 nanometers and 547.53307 terahertz. These numbers could be related to the speed of light as written below. I have gone ahead and named these units of measure the Clayton and the Taylor- please humor me.

Just as the Great Pyramid does so well in corresponding to the metric system and base 10 math, this unit of measure should likewise be treated in a similar fashion as orders of magnitude are for the meter or the hertz.

This chart details the relationship of spatial wavelengths to temporal frequency value, using the center of human visual perception as the fundamental value of 1, perceived as the center color green in prism refraction. The units of Claytons are compared to meters and the units of Taylors are compared to hertz. Note how the decimal/ order of magnitude system maintains this correspondence, almost as a lever between timing and spacing- the number string stays the same, the decimal moves. The speed of light divided by any decimal value of a Clayton would yield a corresponding decimal value of a Taylor and vice versa. One Clayton multiplied by one Taylor equals the speed of light in a relative vacuum.
In measuring these units up against several key characteristics of our planet, we discover some intriguing proportionalities and approximate several ratios that correspond to famous “magical” numbers which appear often in physics.
Here it is seen for instance that the amount of (appropriately termed) Teraclaytons that would fit into an Earth diameter, are proportional to the amount of Earths that will fit into the distance light travels in a second.

This ratio of Earth diameters to light seconds or Teraclaytons to Earth diameters is a well-recognized number in science which has been revered throughout human history – 23.3. In degree form for instance, it is equal to Earth’s average angle of precession and axial tilt (this angle also forms a geometric basis for the majority of ancient temples across most all cultures.) Interestingly, the wavelength of 1 Clayton, multiplied by the frequency of the proton (Larmor frequency) also gives us this number (which in this case would correspond to a speed of 23.26 meters a second.) If we multiplied this Larmor frequency by a Kiloclayton, we would approximate the diameter of the Earth in Teraclaytons.

Conversely, the amount of Earths that fit into 10 Teraclaytons is proportional to the amount of Earths that would span the distance light travels in a 1000th of a second- 42.5. This again approximates several important values in physics and geometry such as the gyromagnetic ratio of hydrogen in Mhz (Larmor frequency), the primary angle of rainbow refraction, and the corner slope angle of the Great Pyramid itself, which is an angle of the √Φ : √2 : Bruns’s Constant right triangle. Also, you may recall, the octave of our blue wavelength value approximates this number as well. (1-φ^4)/2 =0.42… (Yes, I too am reminded of “Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy’s” ultimate question.”)

Going up to an even higher order of magnitude, we can look at our relationship with our sun. The mean orbital distance of the Earth to the sun is .273 Exaclaytons. This number approximates a myriad of geometric constants and physical values that have long been attributed to coincidence, such as the microwave cosmic background radiation at 2.73 Kelvin, absolute zero at -273 degrees Celsius and the lunar sidereal month of 27.3 days. It is also proportional to the Earth/ moon ratio which is also famously embodied within the pyramid as its height vs base radius ratio (the height minus its base radius written as 1 would equal .272.) These values may hold some of their coincidence to the phi function yet again- the square root of Phi, -1 being .272, or the “Phi scaling ratio” which is 27.3 degrees.

To summarize, we stumble upon this confounding set of numerical coincidences which tie the center wavelength and frequency of light as we know it, to the size of our Earth in relation to the speed of light. It evokes mysterious connections between the gyromagnetic precession of the proton to the precession of the Earth itself, as well as the average orbital distance of our sun to the unit values of several other fundamental physical measures. All this is coincidentally tied to numbers intrinsic to geometric functions of Phi, as artifacts of our base 10 counting/ order of magnitude system and our angular system of measure.

I will be the 1st to point out that I am not reporting a physical mechanism here, perhaps these are simply attractive patterns to my human brain and nothing more, but I can’t help but present these proportional synchronicities as a wink and a nod that there is more to be discovered in the mathematics of how all is connected- and perhaps to how/why our standard units of measure were originally formulated and made to function in coordination. In my opinion, these “magical” numbers point to recursive geometry, and geometry points to reason, and reason must be accompanied by fundamental physical mechanisms.
I do personally gather some salient hints from this that I will share my opinions on. The base 10 counting system which these measurements rely on seems uniquely suited to our universe. One reason is the system’s intrinsic ability to calculate phi- much like how 10 fold geometry may tile our “primary colors of phi” in 3 dimensional space, or a 2 dimensional projection, and perhaps even a holographic image. This is already the system of scientific notation which we literally use to manage the scales of the microcosm and the macrocosm, in relation to the human scale.
Spatially, the meter itself is based upon the base 10 system in regards to the size of the Earth. It is defined as one ten-millionth of the distance from the North to South Pole along the prime meridian. We have set ourselves up to apply Phi based math to the size of our planet at human resolution as our principle spatial measure.
In the case of time, humanity has of course based our system off the period of one rotation of Earth’s axis. We have divided this period into 86,400 segments as the second, or the Hertz. We find this too is harmonized with phi through pentagonal angles. For instance, there are 7,200 seconds in an hour and 72 degrees is a primary angle of a pentagram. Half of 72 is another key pentagonal angle of 36 degrees, with full circle being 10 of those intervals, or 5 hours of time.

There is another major factor that advocates a physical purpose of a base 10 system in respect to the meter. What we call the “vacuum” of space actually has a density which has been measured to be approximately 1.6E-26_kg/m3 on average throughout the perceivable cosmos. Given the mass of a Proton is about 1.67E-27_kg this means the average density of the universe is about 10 protons per cubic meter!
There has also been an exceptional case made by researcher Jeff Yee ( that literally ties the geometry and charge of the electron to a tetrahedral standing wave formation of 10 neutrinos, which provides a mechanism for electron spin, accounting for a genesis of magnetic fields.
Together, it is conceivable that the resultant longitudinal and transverse wave gearing system that functions as electromagnetism would establish the permittivity and permeability of free space, which is tied to the rate of induction of travelling electromagnetic waves known as the speed of light.
We used to call this medium the Ether (or Aether), now it is most often referred to as spacetime.
If Phi ratio functions truly exist as a fundamental mechanism in electromagnetism and its relationship to inertial mass via damping (to make still), our spatial and temporal counting system is already well customized to calculate and track this damping function in the electromagnetic process therein.

Image courtesy of Scott Onstott-
As for the last rabbit hole… I will say that I only found these proportional alignments with the Clayton in measurements pertaining specifically to Earth. Other planets did not seem to share in the correspondences in any obvious or noteworthy way. This paints upon my impression that C (the speed of light) is a gradient and that the physical constants change, just as the value of C changes in the refraction process- light bends as C slows down and speeds up according to the permittivity and density of the medium in which it travels.
10 protons per cubic meter is measured to be the average “vacuum density” of our universe, which establishes C and is a key component of all wave and charge mechanics. Is this average truly uniform throughout the cosmos, or is this more of a local average density? (The question of proton density should especially be measured at the heliopause transition.) Or perhaps it is more of a mean value from our own inertial perspective? Do we truly expect the vacuum per meter of the emptiest regions of space to have the same wave amplitude pressure as that same meter of vacuum in the heart of the galaxies of the greatest mass? Even if wave energy falls off at the square of the distance?
Either way, in regions of higher or lower density which deviate from this average, there would exist a higher or lower speed of light value due to a change in impedance- the Planck constant values would change in synch as well along with the fine structure constant. All of these terms that make up our fundamental units of electromagnetism inform one another!
Depending on how fast this vacuum density falls off as we move away from Earth, it could have drastic consequences on our physics. As most people are well aware of the principles of relativity- imagine what the implications would be if the C in E=MC^2 was a gradient. A changing speed of light would affect everything, including the molecular bonds and the density of nuclear matter itself. It would also effect the age of the universe in relation, which could be visualized as a sphere of relativity the size of the universe itself- the event horizon of which would be perceived as the moment of creation relative to the observer, where all redshift “expansion” of “the past” is traced back to a single position and moment in time… (I intend to cover the concept of "intrinsic redshift" in a future article.)
As the ancient geometric adage goes- “the universe is a sphere whose center is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere.” Of course it’s all just relative…

This is why you have heard me describe our “inertial environment” when I speak of the nature of “our light.” I am talking about our local speed of light and density which is bestowing upon us our fundamental physical constants and dictating the functions of our world.
Our star evolved as all do, as a fulcrum for the electromagnetic projections of the rest of the universe converging upon it (perhaps as a function of wave damping creating an impedance mismatch, from which standing wave systems may develop into inertial mass while avoiding catastrophic resonance with the rest of the universe.) These incoming waves were radiated out again as travelling waves (photons) produced via the redistribution of the sun’s neutral standing wave particles of matter.
Our planet evolved likewise in the field of our star’s light and in sustainable orbit with our sun, which avoids all potential resonance catastrophes with the other planets in our system. Earth found itself within the goldilocks zone, evolved to the proper size, gravity, pressure and temperature to sustain liquid water, and the proper atmosphere to leave an optical window that allowed the suns principle spectrum of energy to radiate within. Earth became conscious with the miracle of life. We awakened evolved to this light, our perception tuned to where our sun shined the greatest so we may share in the energies passed on to us from all the cosmos.
Thank you for reading,
Clay Taylor